Motivation & Background

Together with our customers, we want to raise the safety of our highways and expressways to an even higher level!

Traffic accidents destroy families, cause lasting physical and emotional suffering and, last but not least, lead to high economic costs. Accidents also often cause traffic jams with subsequent accidents and expensive damage to infrastructure. The Road Safety Program 2030 therefore pursues a systemic and interdisciplinary approach to safety. It forms the umbrella for all ASFINAG safety initiatives and combines clear objectives and efficient measures for one purpose: to prevent serious accidents and reduce the consequences of accidents.

We ensure safe and reliable mobility on our highways and expressways and thus make an important contribution to Austria as a business location.

We are committed to our social responsibility as a road operator and have set ourselves the goal of sustainably reducing the risk of serious or fatal accidents on Austrian highways and expressways.

With the successful first ASFINAG Road Safety Program 2010 to 2020, we have put our entire safety work on a new footing and thus made a leap to the forefront of the EU. We now want to continue on this successful path with a new strategy. The Austrian freeway network has achieved a uniform and high standard despite the different initial conditions.

This must be further improved, even with constantly increasing traffic volumes. With a network length of over 2,200 km, 165 tunnels and more than 5,700 bridges, this is a particular challenge. That is why we have set ourselves the goal of always using the latest technologies and developments in construction and operation for further safety improvements.

ASFINAG has analyzed internationally successful programmes, projects and measures and developed a systemic safety strategy for the decade up to 2030. Such proactive approaches, such as the Swedish "Vision Zero", which has become known worldwide, are referred to as the "Safe System Approach" by the World Road Association PIARC and the OECD.

However, just as countries' transport systems differ, it is also necessary to adapt this approach to local conditions and needs, i.e. to develop a positive road safety culture with system-wide measures. We call this the "Systemic Safety Approach of ASFINAG".