ASFINAG Safe System Approach
The Austrian motorways and expressways as a “safe system”? In practice this means: everyone holds together to avoid traffic deaths and serious injuries as much as possible - infrastructure, vehicle technology, rescue services and of course all our customers.
We know from the accident statistics that accidents are repeatedly caused by unintentional errors by drivers. Unfortunately, such accidents will not be completely avoidable in the future either. This is because people never act completely error-free, even with perfect infrastructure, comprehensive monitoring, good driver training and vehicles in perfect technical condition. ASFINAG's road network should therefore become tolerant of minor errors and defects - and the resulting accidents should not lead to any fatalities or serious injuries.
The human body can only withstand the mechanical forces that occur in accidents without serious injury up to certain limits. Many measures within the program will therefore focus on reducing the consequences of accidents.
Joint responsibility on the part of all those involved, such as planners, builders, maintainers, authorities, the executive, the vehicle industry, the emergency services and users, is necessary in order to further improve the level of safety in the long term. However, this in no way means that the user is released from his or her duties. Accidents due to gross negligence, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, are excluded from the considerations in advance and treated separately.
The safety management of a network as complex as ASFINAG's depends on the seamless involvement of all stakeholders, which is why all ASFINAG employees in the regions will live the new safety philosophy and proactively drive the improvement process ("route responsibility").
Road safety is in harmony with other national and economic goals and opportunities. In the event of conflicting objectives, balanced and transparent decisions must be made after weighing up the known influencing factors. It is not usually possible to achieve 100% of the objectives of all sub-factors in the road system. The best possible variants must therefore be developed in an overall consideration and compared with the partial considerations.
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